• Services •
Medical acupuncture, also known as "Western acupuncture," is a therapeutic technique based on inserting very fine needles into specific points on the body to aid in healing processes and alleviate pain. The technique is substantially different from traditional Chinese medicine, from which it derives.
Acupuncture may be recommended to treat issues such as:
Chronic tension headaches, migraines, and neck pain.
Joint pain
Dental pain
Postoperative pain
A single weekly session of acupuncture combined with analgesics often provides more pain relief than analgesics alone, and its effects last longer. Depending on individual response, sessions can be spaced out further.
The insertion of needles to stimulate the body's sensory nerves and muscles elicits a response from the body, releasing natural pain-relieving endorphins. These released substances appear to be responsible for the beneficial effects of this technique.
In addition to pain treatment, acupuncture can be used for various health issues.